Letting your employees go? Find out when it’s time to do it

There comes a point in which employees have to develop professionally or personally, for this reason, it is important to know how to detect when it is time for a promotion or to let them go, we share with you how to detect that moment.

With the passage of time, work teams begin to generate bonds and become your second family, however, there are times when you must separate that bond and let go of the teammate or team member.

Internal company changes:

It is common to see that after a few years the company changes to course or makes adjustments that are not in line with the ideology of the collaborator, at that moment, before breaking the relationship, the ideal would be to pause ties and avoid any conflict in the future.

Time for professional growth: 

After years, when the position is no longer enough for the employee and there is no growth within the company, it is best to accompany and advise them to grow within another organization. At this point, the ideal would be to create a letter of recommendation so they can attach it to the companies to be applied and, if necessary, share the contact to be used as a reference. 

Company’s benefit:

Put aside the personal bond with the employee and if you feel it is time to let go, it is best to have an honest conversation and follow your instinct. This is always appreciated by both the employee and you. Consider what is best for the organization or business.